Breaking news! Instagram has announced a new feature… link stickers that will soon be available for everyone! Say goodbye to the days of only verified users being able to add hyperlinks to their stories. Although this will be a slow rollout and not everyone will have access right away, all users will eventually be able to link their favorite websites to their stories. Want to test it out for yourself when this feature becomes available to you? Simply head to the Instagram app, create your story, and select the sticker tool from the top navigation bar. Then, tap the link sticker and add any URL of your choice.
This means more opportunity for strategy and analysis for how social can play a traffic driving role for whatever your business or personal brand’s goal is!
Simplify Your LinkTree
The expansion of link stickers means you need to be ready to change your strategy. If you’re currently using LinkTree to house all of your links, it’s time to clean it up! Instead of adding all of your links to the platform, you should exclusively use LinkTree as a place to highlight your core web pages. Once you’re able to access link stickers, keep your LinkTree simple with: contact page, other social media channels, special offers, timely promotions, etc. As far as the rest of your links, consider using Instagram stories to share the links that are relevant to your social media calendar and attach the links to them by adding link stickers. Although these stories will expire within 24 hours of posting, you can keep them on your profile forever by creating story highlights.
Redesign Your Story Highlights
Now that you’re going to be creating story highlights more often with the addition of link stickers, it’s time to revamp them! Keep in mind that the order of your stories is key. Try to keep your stories with hyperlinks at the beginning of the highlight series whenever possible. This will allow followers to quickly access more web info so you want to make sure that these links are as accessible to your followers as possible! Although link stickers are a great new feature for your channel, make sure that you’re being strategic and not overdoing it. You don’t want to have so many hyperlinks to the point where your followers are overwhelmed and aren’t clicking on any of them. Remember, balance and strategy are key!
Improve Your Design Assets
The rollout of story links to everyone is a huge update, so take advantage of it! Consider this feature as an opportunity to refresh your Instagram profile design assets to be cohesive. Coordinate your assets, from your link stickers to your story highlights. Link stickers can hold a message or your logo and now that your story highlights will be playing a more important role, you want them to be aesthetically pleasing! Need help developing a cohesive strategy? The Hawkins International team is here to give your social channels a makeover. Learn more about our content creation services here:
What To Link
Wondering what you should hyperlink and where you should start using Instagram to drive traffic? Take a step back and consider the goals of your website. Link stickers can be utilized in similar ways to your website but with an audience more open to engaging with you so it’s time to get creative!
- Influencers: link the brand’s website that you’re collaborating with.
- Hotels: link your current travel deals and promotions. Businesses: link your products for your followers to easily browse.
- Activists: link the educational resources that you’d like to share to your audience.
- Fashionistas: link your outfit details for your followers to shop.
- Restaurants: link your menu and options for delivery.
- All other users: link your new favorite song or an interesting article you’ve recently read.
The days of swipe-ups are over… link stickers are here to stay!